Friday, June 12, 2015

The Side Effects of Being "Overly Emotional"

Hello, lovelies! I have something a little more serious to talk about than just make up and food.

I, for one, always had positive connotations when it came to "summer." Yet, it's only been a month since I've finished my first year of college, and I already hate it.

Within the last few days, my emotions have been on quite the roller coaster--the fluctuation is real.

I just celebrated my 19th birthday... that's exciting. I had an enjoyable day spent with family and friends. I should be feeling great. 

However, beginning yesterday, I hit a low point. 

I had a stressful day. There isn't something that specifically made me anxious, but as the day progressed, my thoughts got increasingly more negative, and I became sadder. My motivation was fractured, and I am no longer able to complete tasks. Sitting and crying are my two newest hobbies.

In the past two days, I've cried six times. Six
I feel alone, abandoned, and unwanted.

Things don't ever seem to go my way.
People think I'm being dramatic.
Do you know why?
Because I'm being "overly emotional."

Do any of you know what being "overly emotional" means?
Because I sure as hell don't.
If you do, please explain in the comments. I genuinely want to know.
I view being emotional as a power, not a flaw.

To be completely honest, as I become more experienced with social and emotional occurrences, I think I become more empathetic. I am, at this very moment, publicly sharing my feelings. I hope that if any of my readers feel trapped in an emotional cage, they can know that I am empathizing; I want to give my emotional support, and I want you all to learn from my experiences.

Along with being empathetic, I think being emotional can actually benefit relationships, as well. Being emotional should not frighten your partner or upset them, they should bring you closer together. Due to what I have observed (e.g. failed marriages, aggressive fighting, verbal abuse), I feel that I've learned how to be a more loving, considerate, and honest human being. I bond with my partner on a high level because I am emotionally capable of feeling deeply for him.

I think I'm more creative when I express my emotions. For instance, I'm writing to you all now in the hopes of creating something powerful and inspiring. I have literally created content based on my emotions. Creating content makes me content. I want to reach individuals who want to be empowered. If that's a flaw, I'm pretty damn proud of it!

So, please, tell me being emotional is a bad thing.
Thank you.

xx Amanda
Twitter & Instagram: @amanda_wymore

More posts about my experiences with anxiety:

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