Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Background Story to My Health Kick

Hello, lovelies! I certainly hope all is well. Today, I'm going to give you all an idea of why I suddenly started this "health kick" of mine. I feel like I started throwing recipes at you too quickly without giving a purpose. 

I am not in any way trying to persuade you, the readers, to eat the way I am eating, but I want to inform you.

Let's begin!

I started (only recently) to eat healthier after I stepped on the scale after my first year of college and saw my weight. If I'm honest, I gained twenty pounds... TWENTY... 2-0! What happened to that "freshman fifteen" people always talked about? No one said anything about twenty! 

So, twenty pounds later... As you can imagine, I'm not feeling all that great about myself: I feel sluggish and tired, I don't feel comfortable in most of my clothes, and I'm not as motivated to do things with friends anymore. I don't feel comfortable going out in public anymore.

For some odd reason...
our society has been trained to respect the most fit and attractive people. I can't say I fit under that category, not in the slightest. As I am preparing for another year of college, a summer with an internship opportunity, and a life in the professional world, I surely know I want to be respected: as a journalist, as a woman, and as a human being.

I have this urge...
to show you all what I am eating during my "health kick" because maybe some of you feel the same way I do. It is difficult to make a change when you don't know where to start. I for one have asked doctors and nutritionists what the best foods are to be eating and what I can substitute for the bad ones.

I originally was going to...
eat a strictly Paleo diet because it is plentiful in protein and vitamins and no sugar or carbs, but it's just not realistic for my lifestyle. Cooking is not my specialty. You may think differently if you have read any of my recipes, but I share those recipes with you all because they are easy. If Amanda can do it, you certainly can too!

I now have decided to...
eat protein, fruits, and vegetables in the morning. As I type this post for you, I am drinking a smoothie and eating cereal; that sounds like a fairly average breakfast, right? If I'm more specific, however, you might be weirded out at the fact I am drinking a smoothie with both fruits and vegetables, and I am eating a cereal that includes quinoa and chia seeds, which are excellent sources of protein and fiber.

For lunch and dinner, I do try to stick with the Paleo diet requirements, but if I have a little bread or some salad dressing with more than 10 calories in it, I'm not going to kick myself for it. 

1 1/2 cups frozen mixed fruit
A handful of spinach
2 tbsp organic flax chia blend
1 tbsp quinoa
2 cups almond milk

To make this smoothie, throw all ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth. If your mixture is too thick, add more almond milk or water. Then just drink away! 

This is a great "pick me up" in the morning. I feel good drinking this and it keeps me full until lunch.

1 cup Maple Quinoa Clusters with Chia Seeds
1/4-1/2 cup almond milk

I'm sure you all know how to make cereal so I won't go too far into detail about making it.

This is also a great start to the morning. This is such a protein and fiber-filled breakfast and it keeps me full all morning long. It's also great that this cereal is gluten free! 

Call me crazy...
but I'm trying to make this a healthy lifestyle, not a diet. Diets are short term, and they are hard work. Why should I put myself through misery when I am trying to make a fun summer with good experiences and memories? I want to motivate myself to make good decisions for my health. I don't want to stress over something so easy to fix.

I hope you all continue to try my recipes as I post them. I enjoy sharing this journey with you all. Let me know what you are doing to create a healthy lifestyle!

xx Amanda
Twitter & Instagram: @amanda_wymore

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