Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Summertime S'mores Milkshakes

Hello, lovelies! It's been busy, busy, busy the past month and a half: finishing homeowork, packing for school, and attempting (badly) to maintain a social life. I'm sorry. I missed writing and enjoying your comments. I hope you enjoy this post!

As we all are well aware, the school year is rebooting, and the summertime adventures are coming to a close. My favorite part of summer is warm nights by the fire and making s’mores: anything with chocolate is an acceptable treat, really. Sometimes, warm chocolate does not cut it on 80-degree nights, but s’mores are still a craving I frequently have. Here is a recipe for those of you who appreciate a good s’more, but cannot go through the night without a cold treat. 

Yields: 1 Milkshake

1 handful crumbled graham crackers
1 handful mini marshmallows
Splash of milk
3 scoops vanilla ice cream
Chocolate syrup
Chocolate graham crackers to garnish

Milkshake glass

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Put a handful of crumbled graham crackers, a handful of mini marshmallows, a splash of milk, and 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream into a blender. Blend on a medium-high speed for a few minutes until the milkshake is a thick, smooth consistency. If you want it thinner, add more milk; if you want it thicker, add more ice cream and graham crackers.

Before pouring your milkshake into your glass, garnish it with chocolate syrup by making a swirling pattern around the sides.

Pour in milkshake. Garnish with toasted marshmallows, a couple graham crackers, and a piece of chocolate. Drink it up with a big straw. Enjoy!

xx Amanda
Twitter & Instagram: @amanda_wymore

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