Monday, January 26, 2015

Major Changes

Hello, lovelies! I hope January is treating you well. Even though the new semester has begun, I just wanted to update you all.

So... the whole "dermatology, majoring in Biology, going to University of St. Thomas" situation...? Yeah... that's not really a thing anymore. It was a concept of my imagination.

As you are all very well aware, I wrote a lot about stress last semester. Maybe too much? The reason I had to continuously confide in my blog with all my stress problems was because I was continuously stressed; I was not in a good position: physically, mentally, or emotionally.

I think that most of the pressure was coming from the thought that I had to have my life figured out the second I turned 18 and headed off to college. I compared myself to my siblings and family members and their success stories. I wanted to make millions and do something that I thought I would be admired for doing. 

I've said so many times (and I even have a sign on my bulletin board) that I want to be an inspiration to others. I guess I had this radical idea that the only way I could inspire people was by making 6 digits and creating the perfect life.

However, this is not the case. None of that stuff is worth the torture and anxiety I went through last semester. It's unfathomable how many times I cried per week while I stared at the piles of assignments. The grades I received weren't so hot either. I tried so hard to please my family and impress my friends, but I had to be honest with myself. That life was not for me.

And although UST is a beautiful school, I hated it. Now, I'm not telling you that you shouldn't go there, because it is a magnificent school with amazing programs and majors. It just was NOT for me. 

First off, it was 5 hours from home, and I'm too family oriented to be away from them for a significant amount of time. Second, the thought of having night classes makes me cringe, and they made my schedule so awful that I never looked forward to going to class. Thirdly, I hated my major, therefore, I hated school. Lastly, everyone knew everyone, except for me. I had three friends (you know who you are) and I'm so thankful I had them. But they had their own lives and did their own things so I couldn't depend on being entertained or having something to do all the time.

Now, I am going to school closer to home, closer to the love of my life, I've made friends, and the best part: I am content with my major and my classes. As much as I'd like to think it will be a surprise to you all, I am now a Journalism major... surprised? Yeah, I didn't think so. 

Writing is my passion. Biology is work.

Do you see the difference? I may not end up making nearly as much as I had hoped for, but I'm going to feel fulfilled and happy throughout the years and be able to find so many opportunities.

If you are thinking of changing your major or your school, just keep those things in mind. I hope this helped a little.

xx Amanda
Twitter & Instagram: @amanda_wymore
I'm appreciative of everyone who supported me through the tough times and making me feel like I made the right decision.

Seriously... I can't thank you all enough.


  1. Amanda, We need a catch up session! This blog makes me want to hug you for so many reasons. I'm sorry you were so stressed last semester. I'm proud of you for taking your happiness into your own hands and making changes to make yourself feel fulfilled. Where are you going to school? Journalism major…YES! :) Email me an update! HUGS!

  2. Manderz, I'm so proud of you! <3 You made the best decision for you and I know you will inspire people no matter what you do with your life. Keep writing--I love it! Love, Blems (:
