Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year's Resolutions 2015

Hello, lovelies! Happy New Year! Holy crap, it's 2015! Where has the time gone?! Well I figured instead of making a "December Favorites" post, I figured I should address the most challenging... challenge that the new year offers to each one of us: New Year's Resolutions.

Yes, the dreaded resolution. The unappealing thought of having to "better ourselves." I, myself, struggle with this every year; not even struggle, I lack desire to concoct plans that will ultimately fail me. I have told myself for multiple years that I will "eat healthy." Does that happen? No. I hoard boxes upon boxes of Ferrero Rocher in my kitchen/bedroom. Yes, I'm awful. I've also told myself that working out is a stellar idea. I think I worked out about twice and then wasted away that $50 gym membership.


We need to stop and be honest with ourselves. We cannot be making promises to ourselves that we know we cannot keep. So I've decided to make a list of New Year's Resolutions that will benefit myself, and maybe some of you, and won't strain your bank account or y(our) lack of discipline. 

P.S. I did post a few of these suggestions on Twitter but you 
can only do so much with 140 characters.

Read more.
Write more.
Pick up the camera again.
Hold doors open for people.
Appreciate every square inch of my body.
Be thankful for everything I am given.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. 
Drink more water.
Cherish the little things.
Unapologetically say no.
Pleasurably say yes.
Find better ways to cope with stress.
Make 2015 a year to reminisce. 

See? There are plenty of resolutions to be made and ways to improve ourselves without giving up things we really love. Let me know what your resolutions are! It would be nice to get some inspiration from you too!

Happy New Year!
Bring it on, 2015!

xx Amanda
Twitter & Instagram: @amanda_wymore

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